Product Overview
Magnesium Sulfate, Anhydrous, Powder, Reagent Grade
Molecular Formula: MgSO4
CAS Number: 7487-88-9
Molecular Weight: 120.37
Magnesium Sulfate, Anhydrous, Powder, Reagent is the raw material for a common magnesium-based, called Epsom salts. The Epsom salt formulations are for both topical and oral indications. The topical preparation is a gel for soothing aches and pains while the internal formulation is commonly used as saline laxative. In it's anhydrous form, magnesium sulfate is used as a drying agent. As an ACS grade quality reagent, its chemical specifications are the de facto standards for chemicals used in many high-purity applications and typically designate the highest quality chemical available for laboratory use. ScienceLab Reagent ACS grade products meet the toughest regulatory standards for quality and purity.
Synonym(s): Epsom salts